Self Management:
The ability to effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate oneself to set and achieve goals.
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DRC Resources |
CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of self management. Students can learn to manage their feelings and turn them into positive actions. Adults can help by creating a calm and regulated environment, showing how to manage impulses, and discussing ways to resolve conflicts. SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC |
CASEL’s Self-Reflection Tool for Instructional Practices that Promote SEL A self-reflection tool for teachers to consider ways in which they are already using practices that develop social and emotional skills in their classroom, and to expand their use of SEL integration strategies. SOURCE: CASEL |
Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers A tool for teachers to assess how they using SEL in their interactions and teaching practices, and a crosswalk between 10 teaching practices that promote SEL and the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks. |
CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of self-awareness. Parents can help children develop self awareness by being honest about their own emotions. Educators can help by teaching the vocabulary of emotions, modeling behavior, and supporting students as they grow in self-awareness. SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC |
Schoolwide Observation Tool for Climate, Classroom Management, and Instruction Washoe County's 1 page tool for recording observations about how SEL is present in the school and classroom environment, instruction, and interactions, and a sample activity for debriefing observations in a circle setting. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Chicago School Climate Standards and Self-Assessment The Chicago Public Schools' School Climate Standards includes 17 key indicators organized into four domains: School-wide Environment and Leadership, Physical and Emotional Safety, Relational Trust, and Teaching and Learning. This document also includes a self-assessment to support school-level continuous improvement and resources to include student voice assessing school climate. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Washoe County’s 17 Item Student Social and Emotional Competency Self Report Summary of the process of developing a 17 item student self-assessment of SEL used in Washoe, including the use of student focus groups, with results and connection to achievement and behavior outcomes. Item text is included. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Oakland’s Teacher Self-Reflection: Instructional Practices that Promote SEL Adapted from CASEL's SEL integration self assessment tool, Oakland's more detailed reflection is organized around areas of SEL competency and has teachers identify their level of practice on a continuum. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Self-Assessment Checklist – Cultural Competence This checklist provides examples of the kinds of values and practices that foster an environment that is aware and respectful of cultural diversity, from Georgetown University's National Center for Cultural Competence. SOURCE: National Association of School Psychologists |
Calming Areas Overview and Ideas A Calming Area is a quiet area of the room equipped with soothing materials and furnishings to help a |