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DRC Resources |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin's SEL team uses Twitter to share news, announcements, and build awareness of SEL, as well as retweet posts from schools around the district doing great SEL work. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Develop Annual Goals and Action Plan for SEL This tool is designed to help district SEL teams develop goals and an action plan for a single year of districtwide SEL implementation. It builds on a district's shared vision, long-term SEL goals, and SEL implementation roadmap. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric – Focus Area 3 Promote SEL for Students SOURCE: CASEL |
Fellowship Spotlight – Finding a Focus for Systemic SEL SEL Fellow and district SEL leader in St. Paul Sara Lein describes their process of developing a shared vision and strategic framework for SEL with more than 400 participants, including students, parents, school district staff, and community members. Visit https://casel.org/series/sel-fellows-briefs/ for more briefs from SEL Fellows. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districts in Action – Strengthen Adult SEL Competencies and Capacity This brief spotlights three different approaches to adult SEL from SEL leaders in school districts in Olympia, Buffalo, and Des Moines. Visit https://casel.org/series/sel-fellows-briefs/ for more briefs from SEL Fellows. SOURCE: CASEL |
Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers A tool for teachers to assess how they using SEL in their interactions and teaching practices, and a crosswalk between 10 teaching practices that promote SEL and the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks. |
Toward Transformative Social and Emotional Learning: Using an Equity Lens This brief explores the need to conceptualize, implement, and assess SEL in a way that is sensitive to students' cultural assets and recognizes their inherent strengths, and describes promising school practices and implications for ethical assessment of SEL. SOURCE: Assessment Work Group |
This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL outlines a 6 step process for a school or district team to develop shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision and nurture adult SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin's brochure for parents and caregvers explains SEL concepts and provides 10 ideas for families to use SEL practices at home. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |