Define SEL Metrics:
The process of selecting what will be measured to assess the progress or effectiveness of SEL initiatives. Metrics may be direct evidence of SEL gains or quality implementation (e.g. student SEL competency assessments, data from walkthrough rubrics, staff interviews or self-assessments) or indirect factors that may provide relevant information about the impact of SEL (e.g. GPA, chronic absenteeism, disciplinary rates, graduation rates).
See also: student assessment, assessment
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
School and Classroom Walkthrough Rubric (Nashville) Nashville's clear, succinct yet detailed rubric collects data on schoolwide environment, community gatherings, classroom instruction, classroom environment & discipline in order to provide rich, actionable feedback to schools. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Cleveland’s Conditions for Districtwide Learning Summary Report Cleveland's district-level report on the Conditions for Learning Survey, broken down by grade level, race, language, disability, and sex. SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District |
U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost. SOURCE: United States DOE |
American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey Contact information to use this no-cost survey, appropriate for grades 2-12. It gathers students' views on climate, support, challenge and expectations, and social and emotional skills. SOURCE: AIR |
Definitions of Important Measurement Concepts Everything you need to know about validity, reliability, and bias when selecting a measurement tool. SOURCE: CASEL |
School Climate Survey Compendia The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments maintains this list of valid and reliable surveys, assessments, and scales of school climate. SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments |
Chicago School Climate Standards and Self-Assessment The Chicago Public Schools' School Climate Standards includes 17 key indicators organized into four domains: School-wide Environment and Leadership, Physical and Emotional Safety, Relational Trust, and Teaching and Learning. This document also includes a self-assessment to support school-level continuous improvement and resources to include student voice assessing school climate. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Adult SEL Video describing the SEL 3 signature practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in settings with adults, such as a meeting or professional learning. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Trends: Strengthening Adult SEL CASEL profiles Oakland USD, Sacramento City USD, and Tulsa Public Schools and shares key resources in this SEL Trends issue devoted to districts' focus on adult SEL needs. SOURCE: CASEL |