Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Student Voice and Data Summits: Continuous Improvement in Washoe County Presentation describing the purpose and format of Student-led Data Summits in Washoe County, with highly valuable advice from those who have helped organize them. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost. SOURCE: United States DOE |
School and Classroom Walkthrough Rubric (Nashville) Nashville's clear, succinct yet detailed rubric collects data on schoolwide environment, community gatherings, classroom instruction, classroom environment & discipline in order to provide rich, actionable feedback to schools. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Annual Report on Student, Parent and Teacher Climate Surveys High level report on parent, student, and staff climate surveys with highlighted focus areas, followed by district-level report for each item category, followed by campus level results from Washoe County. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Practices of Promise: Youth Voice in Washoe County School District, Nevada This case example offers a glimpse into WCSD’s process of creating structures to elevate and listen to students, before and through the pandemic. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Case for PreSchool through High School State Learning Standards for SEL Chapter providing a research review about the importance of state SEL standards for all grade levels, components of high quality standards, examples from states, and areas of overlap with other standards. SOURCE: CASEL |
Webinar: Leveraging SEL to Promote Equity Webinar highlighting district challenges and promising practices, featuring Dr. Rob Jagers' review of research on SEL's connection to equitable outcomes for diverse student populations. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Neuroscience of SEL (Video) 20 minute lecture by Richard Davidson on the neuroscience of emotions and emotional response, and how SEL trains and changes the brain. Best for educating SEL leaders or building buy in with audiences looking for a scientific basis for SEL. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Students with Strong Social Skills in Kindergarten More Likely To Thrive As Adults Short article describing a 20 year study connecting students' social skills in kindergarten to their well-being as adults. SOURCE: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |