Instructional Practices:
Resources to support teachers and other staff to use instructional strategies that strengthen social and emotional development.
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Practices of Promise: Youth Voice in Washoe County School District, Nevada This case example offers a glimpse into WCSD’s process of creating structures to elevate and listen to students, before and through the pandemic. SOURCE: CASEL |
How can a school district select an SEL program that aligns with its commitment to equity and social justice through an inclusive process that also demonstrates and deepens that commitment? This brief describes Portland's approach that brought many voices to the table, shared decision-making power, built trust, and centered the district's equity work. SOURCE: CASEL |
Oregon’s Recommended Criteria for Adoption of Transformative SEL Materials and Practices As you work with your community to develop unique, local criteria for selecting an evidence-based program, the Oregon Department of Education's recommendations can provide a model, especially when a commitment to equity and culturally responsive pedagogy are at the forefront. SOURCE: Oregon DOE |
Monthly Newsletter – SEL, Restorative Practices and more Grand Rapids Public Schools' Department of Social and Emotional Learning sends a monthly newsletter to all schools and administrators to share information, spotlight schools and educators, and strengthen interest in and prioritization of SEL. SOURCE: Grand Rapids Public Schools |
Edutopia’s How Learning Happens Video Series Videos that combine the science of brain development and real examples of practices explicitly designed to integrate social & emotional skills in classrooms and schoolwide settings, including trauma-informed practices, co-developed class norms, Socratic circles, makerspaces, student-led conferences and more. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers A tool for teachers to assess how they using SEL in their interactions and teaching practices, and a crosswalk between 10 teaching practices that promote SEL and the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks. |
Oakland Academic Social Emotional Learning Guidance Document Oakland's guidance document for school leaders describes the district's mission, vision, and tools for measuring success and describes how SEL is part of instructional priorities and multi-tiered systems of support. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
SEL In Action In A Classroom (Video) 5th grade students and their teacher speak about what SEL means to them and how it plays out in their classroom through everyday practices and interactions. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
Toward Transformative Social and Emotional Learning: Using an Equity Lens This brief explores the need to conceptualize, implement, and assess SEL in a way that is sensitive to students' cultural assets and recognizes their inherent strengths, and describes promising school practices and implications for ethical assessment of SEL. SOURCE: Assessment Work Group |
How a District Integrates SEL With Academics (Nashville) Edutopia's collection of articles and video featuring how SEL has taken root over time in Nashville, with a focus on integrating SEL into daily classroom practices and supporting implementation. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |