

Below, you’ll find resources to help report data and reflect on results.

See how districts have strategized and planned to report data and reflect

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DRC Documents

The Continuous Improvement Journey: Where Are We now and Where Do We Want To Go?

This brief offers a case study focused on Guilford County Schools in North Carolina, to illustrate the experience of a research-practice partnership between CASEL researchers and the district and the use of goal-setting, data, and reflection for continuous improvement.


TAGS research brief conducting local SEL research continuous improvement

SEL Trends: Using Data for Improvement

CASEL profiles Austin ISD, El Paso ISD, Nashville Metropolitan School District, and Washoe County School District, about how district leaders in SEL and research have worked together to use data to improve implementation of their SEL strategies. Includes links to artifacts and research reports from the districts.


TAGS define SEL metrics assessment data dashboards conducting local SEL research implementation evaluation

Making SEL Assessment Work: Ten Practitioner Beliefs

The National Practitioner Advisory Group, convened by CASEL and AIR as part of the work of the Assessment Work Group, share a statement of 10 beliefs about assessing SEL, actions to achieve each belief, and reflection questions for leadership teams.

SOURCE: Assessment Work Group

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment

Chicago School Climate Standards and Self-Assessment

The Chicago Public Schools' School Climate Standards includes 17 key indicators organized into four domains: School-wide Environment and Leadership, Physical and Emotional Safety, Relational Trust, and Teaching and Learning. This document also includes a self-assessment to support school-level continuous improvement and resources to include student voice assessing school climate.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS define SEL metrics implementation monitoring culture and climate youth voice

Social Emotional Learning: Goal-Setting and Relationships are Part of District’s Academic Core (video)

Washoe County School District is featured in this video from Edweek, describing the district's process for developing SEL metrics for instructional purposes and growth.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment videos assessment continuous improvement

Student Voice and Data Summits: Continuous Improvement in Washoe County

Presentation describing the purpose and format of Student-led Data Summits in Washoe County, with highly valuable advice from those who have helped organize them.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment SEL partnerships student leadership data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement planning youth voice

Climate Survey Results: Staff Debrief

This presentation from Washoe County School District provides one example of how a district coach could guide school staff through interpreting the results of their school climate survey.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS implementation support data dashboards continuous improvement culture and climate planning

Sacramento City Districtwide SEL Program Inventory

This is an example of a third-party report on SEL programs and practices throughout the district, shared by Sacramento City, including a site level inventory as well as findings and recommendations regarding implementation and monitoring.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS assessment evidence-based programs data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation

On the Road to Collecting SEL Data

This presentation from Keeneyville School District describes their timeline of districtwide SEL implementation, the development of their walk-through protocol, and the way observaton data has been shared and used to drive improvement.

SOURCE: Keeneyville School District 20

TAGS define SEL metrics assessment school visit/observation tool conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation

Washoe County’s 17 Item Student Social and Emotional Competency Self Report

Summary of the process of developing a 17 item student self-assessment of SEL used in Washoe, including the use of student focus groups, with results and connection to achievement and behavior outcomes. Item text is included.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation youth voice



Find ready-to-use tools

Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Measuring SEC: How to select a tool for assessing student social and emotional competencies

Use this tool to determine if a social and emotional competency assessment will meet your data needs (as opposed to a mental health screener), and prepare a list of questions to ask when choosing a high-quality assessment for your district.




Systems-Wide Reflection: Indicators of Schoolwide and Districtwide SEL

This chart sets CASEL’s Indicators of Districtwide SEL and Indicators of Schoolwide SEL side by side, with links to further information, suggested implementation processes, and examples. District leaders can use this tool to guide reflection, conversation, and planning about how social and emotional learning (SEL) is integrated throughout systems at the school level and at the district level.




Student SEL Data Reflection Protocol

Student perspective is essential for understanding district data and making equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive decisions. This tool presents a student-led, structured process for students to reflect on school and district data in partnership with adults, to observe trends and discuss ideas for improvement of SEL implementation.


TAGS continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation youth voice



Establish Norms for Data-Informed Conversations

This tool includes ways for facilitators to establish a space for safe and productive collaboration and recommended norms to ensure that the conversation is inclusive of all voices and results in concrete next steps.


TAGS community partnerships continuous improvement youth voice



Rapid Learning Cycles for Continuous Improvement

This tool helps a team learn about the effectiveness of their SEL strategies and decide whether they should adjust implementation practices to move closer to their SEL goals.


TAGS continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation



Develop Annual Goals and Action Plan for SEL

This tool is designed to help district SEL teams develop goals and an action plan for a single year of districtwide SEL implementation. It builds on a district's shared vision, long-term SEL goals, and SEL implementation roadmap.


TAGS define SEL metrics implementation plan continuous improvement planning

The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (video)

The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, drop out rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth.


TAGS videos define SEL metrics continuous improvement building buy-in for SEL

SEL Data Reflection Protocol

This tool presents a structured reflection process for SEL teams and other district stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data.


TAGS implementation support continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation



Track Your School’s Progress Toward Implementing Schoolwide SEL

Part of CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL, this page includes a rubric and planner, a walkthrough protocol to look for signs of high-quality implementation, and a staff survey to gather staff perceptions to inform decisions and next steps.


TAGS define SEL metrics assessment school visit/observation tool implementation monitoring

Data Sources to Analyze SEL Implementation and Outcomes

Use this tool as you consider what kind of data you will need and find data sources you can use to assess progress toward your SEL goals.


TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation



U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform

This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost.

SOURCE: United States DOE

TAGS toolkit define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation culture and climate

School Climate Survey Compendia

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments maintains this list of valid and reliable surveys, assessments, and scales of school climate.

SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments

TAGS define SEL metrics assessment continuous improvement PK-12 implementation evaluation

American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey

Contact information to use this no-cost survey, appropriate for grades 2-12. It gathers students' views on climate, support, challenge and expectations, and social and emotional skills.


TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment continuous improvement implementation evaluation culture and climate

See artifacts shared by districts and schools

Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Sample School Report – Staff Survey on SEL Implementation

To support schools in their process of SEL continuous improvement, provide school leaders with data that gives insight relevant to their SEL goals and action plans. This report is an example of what a district might provide to a school, summarizing staff responses to CASEL's survey on SEL implementation.


TAGS implementation support continuous improvement implementation monitoring



Baltimore City Public Schools SEL Evaluation Framework

Developed with evaluation partner Hanover Research, this document provides a framework for the evaluation of Baltimore's social and emotional learning programming.

SOURCE: Baltimore City Public Schools

TAGS define SEL metrics continuous improvement implementation evaluation

SEL: Best Practices and Barriers to Successful Implementation

From Austin Independent School District's Department of Research and Evaluation, this report shares findings from district case studies that underscore the importance of four key themes that influence the quality and sustainability of SEL implementation.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS implementation support conducting local SEL research implementation monitoring implementation evaluation

Ready to Lead: Principals’ Perspectives on How Social and Emotional Learning Can Prepare Children and Transform Schools

This report shows widespread support for SEL among K-12 principals, highlights needs for greater state and district support, and provides policy recommendations. It makes a strong case for investing in SEL.


TAGS research brief building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

Chicago School Climate Standards and Self-Assessment

The Chicago Public Schools' School Climate Standards includes 17 key indicators organized into four domains: School-wide Environment and Leadership, Physical and Emotional Safety, Relational Trust, and Teaching and Learning. This document also includes a self-assessment to support school-level continuous improvement and resources to include student voice assessing school climate.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS define SEL metrics implementation monitoring culture and climate youth voice

El Paso SEL Implementation Report

This report on El Paso's first year of SEL implementation answers the questions: How was SEL capacity built? How has SEL impacted climate and perception? How has SEL impacted discipline and attendance? and How do school stakeholders view their implementation success?

SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District

TAGS define SEL metrics data dashboards conducting local SEL research implementation evaluation

The Effects of Program Implementation and Longevity

This research brief from the Austin ISD Department of Research and Evaluation examines the question -- Do outcomes associated with SEL programming improve with time? Is there a difference in outcomes between schools that have been implementing for 4+ years compared with schools that are newer to SEL?

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS research brief data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement

Washoe County Student Data Summits

Washoe's Student-led Data Symposiums bring high interest district data to students for analysis, problem-solving, and taking action. The 2016 event covered school climate & SEL, poverty, and CTE programs.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment SEL partnerships student leadership data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement youth voice

Annual Report on Student, Parent and Teacher Climate Surveys

High level report on parent, student, and staff climate surveys with highlighted focus areas, followed by district-level report for each item category, followed by campus level results from Washoe County.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement culture and climate family and community engagement youth voice

Washoe County School District SEL Data Information Site

Washoe's data webpage shares their SEL standards, their formal and informal approaches to measuring SEL growth, and rich, easy to read displays of data.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment SEL standards define SEL metrics SEL overview communications data dashboards conducting local SEL research building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

Cleveland’s Conditions for Districtwide Learning Summary Report

Cleveland's district-level report on the Conditions for Learning Survey, broken down by grade level, race, language, disability, and sex.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics equity assessment data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement PK-12 culture and climate planning youth voice

Sacramento City Districtwide SEL Program Inventory

This is an example of a third-party report on SEL programs and practices throughout the district, shared by Sacramento City, including a site level inventory as well as findings and recommendations regarding implementation and monitoring.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS assessment evidence-based programs data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation

SEL Learning Walk Protocol – Anchorage

Anchorage's protocol for preparing and facilitating learning walks, well suited for districts that are organizing cross-campus visits to exemplary classrooms.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS model SEL schools school visit/observation tool conducting local SEL research classroom level building buy-in for SEL

School and Classroom Walkthrough Rubric (Nashville)

Nashville's clear, succinct yet detailed rubric collects data on schoolwide environment, community gatherings, classroom instruction, classroom environment & discipline in order to provide rich, actionable feedback to schools.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS implementation support define SEL metrics assessment school visit/observation tool data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation



Campus Visits and Learning Walk Protocols (Austin)

Guidelines for SEL coaches when they conduct supportive visits and a protocol for Learning Walks, shared with visitors and campuses so they know what to expect and what support is available to them.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS implementation support SEL coaching for staff model SEL schools school visit/observation tool conducting local SEL research implementation monitoring instructional practices

Minnesota DOE SEL Assessment Guidance

An example of state guidance for districts on the purpose, methods, considerations, reporting, and using the results of SEL assessments for continuous improvement.

SOURCE: Minnesota DOE

TAGS student assessment board policies define SEL metrics assessment integrate with district priorities

Austin SEL Impact Data Summary

This 2 page brief was shared with families to describe the impact SEL has had on Austin schools.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

Find resources to help you learn more on this topic

Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Measuring SEC: How to select a tool for assessing student social and emotional competencies

Use this tool to determine if a social and emotional competency assessment will meet your data needs (as opposed to a mental health screener), and prepare a list of questions to ask when choosing a high-quality assessment for your district.




Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) Assessments: A Framework for State and District Leaders

From EdTrust, this guide offers essential questions to consider when considering how a SEAD assessment fits your local context and purpose, and applies these questions to 11 commonly used  assessments (most of which are open-access).


TAGS assessment continuous improvement

A Primer for Continuous Improvement in Schools and Districts

This white paper lays out a model and principles for improvement, describes the Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle, and includes examples for using a Fishbone Diagram and a Driver Diagram to define a problem and establish an aim.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS assessment continuous improvement implementation evaluation planning

Youth Participatory Action Research Hub

Youth Participatory Action Research is an approach that trains young people to conduct research to improve their community and the institutions designed to serve them. This hub, hosted by UC Berkeley, shares curriculum and resources to support YPAR projects.

SOURCE: External website

TAGS toolkit student leadership assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement youth voice

Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning in the Context of New Accountability

A paper from the Learning Policy Institute on how SEL and school climate indicators can be included in accountability and improvement systems under ESSA. Appendix includes survey tools from districts and states.

SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute

TAGS define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation

Definitions of Important Measurement Concepts

Everything you need to know about validity, reliability, and bias when selecting a measurement tool.


TAGS student assessment anti-bias define SEL metrics culturally responsive assessment



Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development?

Toolkit from AIR providing key background information about SEL assessment to weigh risks and benefits, a decision tree, and a comprehensive index of validated tools for measuring SEL outcomes.


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