An implementation plan uses findings from a needs and resources assessment to develop clear goals, implementation metrics, desired outcomes, and expected timelines for achieving the district’s overall SEL vision.
See also: implementation support
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Documents |
Planning Professional Learning for Evidence-Based Programs This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL helps a team answer important questions, assign tasks, and set a timeline to provide initial training and ongoing support for any evidence-based SEL program. SOURCE: CASEL |
Standards Development Steering Committee Agenda CASEL's sample agenda for a district-level meeting to introduce the project of developing district SEL standards. SOURCE: CASEL |
AIR and CASEL's guide for State Education Agencies to develop, implement, and sustain SEL policies and guidelines. This document provides the "big picture", other related documents provide detail for specific action steps. SOURCE: AIR |
Developing and Articulating Learning Goals or Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning American Institutes for Research and CASEL teamed up to create this guide for developing SEL standards. Includes a definition of terms and guidance for setting up a writing team and articulating learning goals. SOURCE: AIR |
Case Study: Oakland Unified School District Process for Developing SEL Standards Oakland's SEL standards and classroom indicator examples, contextual information on how they were developed and how they are assessed. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Case Study: Anchorage Public Schools Process for Developing SEL Standards SEL standards and a description of Anchorage's process of developing them, piloting their use, and bringing them to scale district-wide. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
Districtwide Professional Learning Audit This is an example of a third-party audit of a district's SEL professional learning offerings and practices, shared by Sacramento City. This level of analysis may be a helpful model for districts in which SEL work is distributed across many departments. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Oakland SEL Journey Map (infographic) This infographic from Oakland presents the district's SEL starting point and vision for transformation. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Snapshot of SEL in Washoe County Washoe's 2 page snapshot flyer defines SEL, summarizes the impact SEL has had in Washoe schools, and describes key SEL implementation priorities. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Austin's sample process for growing a cohort of SEL leadership schools and expanding the scope of SEL work at each over time. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |