Title | Document Type | |
DRC Documents |
In Oakland, Reinventing School Policing Article and video about Oakland schools' partnership with police and special SEL training for school-based officers. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL describes 3 main ways schools can partner with community organizations: by bringing partners into the school, linking families with their resources, and organizing community-based experiences for students. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning. SOURCE: AIR |
Social-Emotional Learning in Expanded Learning Programs Sacramento's 2 page flyer summarizing common goals between schools and expanded learning opportunities, and the importance of working together as partners. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL provides questions to help the SEL team think intentionally about how to fully partner with OST providers to promote SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Includes findings from the Social and Emotional Learning Interventions Under the ESSA: Evidence Review, focusing specifically on what the review found related to family and community engagement, and a presentation from a district administrator. Hosted by REL Northeast & Islands SOURCE: REL Northeast & Islands |
The In-School and Afterschool Social Emotional Learning Connection: A Planning Tool Tool for afterschool and in-school staff first to reflect independently on their goals for SEL and think about what is being done in each setting to support SEL, then to discuss how to work collaboratively toward a common goal. SOURCE: AIR |
Examples of Community Collaboration for SEL Implementation Austin's 1 pager describing 3 SEL-focused partnerships with community organizations and programs. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Serie de Diálogo de SEL para Padres y Cuidadores 10 sesiones de diálogo para involucrar a las familias en conversaciones sobre el crecimiento social y emocional de sus familias y compartir perspectivas y comentarios con los líderes escolares. Este conjunto de materiales incluye un libro de trabajo para los participantes, encuestas y diapositivas del presentador (todo en inglés y español) y materiales para apoyar la coordinación de la serie; todos son de acceso gratuito después del registro. SOURCE: CASEL |
Montana's site focused on parenting and SEL, with tools to address challenges parents mention most. Age-specific tools guide parents through a process of seeking their child's input, interactive modeling, practice, support, and reinforcement. SOURCE: Montana's Department of Public Health and Human Services |