A deliberate and structured process to address problems or improve outcomes. This involves collecting and using implementation and outcome data to improve all SEL-related systems, practices, and policies with a focus on equity.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Documents |
Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development? Toolkit from AIR providing key background information about SEL assessment to weigh risks and benefits, a decision tree, and a comprehensive index of validated tools for measuring SEL outcomes. SOURCE: AIR |
Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning. SOURCE: AIR |
Standards and Assessment Working Group Exit Ticket Sample questions about ways schools are measuring SEL progress and areas of priority. Could be used as an exit ticket or anticipation guide for a larger event. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Research Analyst Job Description Job description for a data analyst who can assist an SEL team by developing evaluation designs, managing and overseeing data collection and analysis, and reporting evaluation results. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Naperville, IL – One District’s Journey from Commitment to Assessment Naperville's presentation sharing their SEL implementation timeline, process of curriculum development, and measurement plan. SOURCE: Naperville Community Unit School District 203 |
This strengths inventory will help a school-based SEL team determine which strategies are being used at all levels of schoolwide SEL: SEL curriculum & instruction, schoolwide practice & policies, and family & community-level partnerships. SOURCE: CASEL |