Community Relations:
Practices by which school and district leaders communicate with, engage, support, and partner with the communities they serve.
See also: communications, family and community engagement
Title | Document Type | |||||
DRC Resources |
Includes findings from the Social and Emotional Learning Interventions Under the ESSA: Evidence Review, focusing specifically on what the review found related to family and community engagement, and a presentation from a district administrator. Hosted by REL Northeast & Islands SOURCE: REL Northeast & Islands |
Examples of Community Collaboration for SEL Implementation Austin's 1 pager describing 3 SEL-focused partnerships with community organizations and programs. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
How to talk about SEL with Community Influencers A report in powerpoint format, provides a summary of the survey findings from NASBE’s SEL Network of five states on effective messaging with community influencers on social, emotional, and academic development. SOURCE: National Association of State Boards of Education |
Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL describes 3 main ways schools can partner with community organizations: by bringing partners into the school, linking families with their resources, and organizing community-based experiences for students. SOURCE: CASEL |
Partnerships by Design: Cultivating Effective and Meaningful School-Family-Community Partnerships This tool from Northwest REL includes forms, worksheets, and activities to assess the current state of family and community collaboration, create a vision for partnership, and set up an action plan. SOURCE: Northwest REL |
Bilingual Parent/Community Introduction to SEL Una Introducción al Aprendizaje Social y Emocional is CASEL's free online course that describes the basics of what SEL is and isn't, and includes reflective activities about how SEL comes into play in daily life and interactions with young people. This works well for families, community partners, or staff members who speak Spanish. SOURCE: CASEL |
Developing Effective Social and Emotional Learning Communication Strategies for your District This guide from Collaborative Communications will help an SEL team plan a multi-media, 4 step communications outreach plan. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
Austin ISD SEL Communications Plan Austin's communications plan uses a variety of approaches to reach internal and external stakeholders to grow awareness around SEL and strengthen it as a priority. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
SEL Central Office Professional Learning Community Description Sacramento's overview and invitation to other central office departments to participate in a district-level SEL professional learning community. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
SEL Central Office Professional Learning Community Save The Date Half sheet flyer for Sacramento's 4 session central office SEL professional learning community. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |