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DRC Resources |
Bilingual Parent/Community Introduction to SEL Una Introducción al Aprendizaje Social y Emocional is CASEL's free online course that describes the basics of what SEL is and isn't, and includes reflective activities about how SEL comes into play in daily life and interactions with young people. This works well for families, community partners, or staff members who speak Spanish. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s Self-Reflection Tool for Instructional Practices that Promote SEL A self-reflection tool for teachers to consider ways in which they are already using practices that develop social and emotional skills in their classroom, and to expand their use of SEL integration strategies. SOURCE: CASEL |
Restorative Practices: Day-Long Training to Deepen School Practice Sacramento City's interactive introduction to classroom-based restorative practices for a teacher audience, covering concepts of the social discipline window, fair process, affective language, restorative questions, and circles. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Webinar: Looking at the Intersection of Student Agency and School Discipline Practices An in-depth discussion of the connections between student agency and school discipline from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom and Transforming Education. Presenters share ways schools can use student-centered disciplinary practices to cultivate social and emotional skills and empower student voice. SOURCE: Transforming Education |
Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 2 (Video) Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 2nd marking period, teachers completed the section on self-awareness and social awareness. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Boston's Office of Social Emotional Learning & Wellness (SELWell) is made up of a range of departments that work together to improve the social, emotional, and physical health and wellness of all students. This menu includes a snapshot of each contributing team and their services organized by tier. SOURCE: Boston Public Schools |
SEL 101: What are the core competencies and key settings? (video) How can you bring social and emotional learning to your community? CASEL's framework for social and emotional learning (SEL) takes a systemic approach, identifying five core competence areas and four key settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
Nashville’s Strategic Plan for High Schools Nashville's 3 year plan for high schools includes strategies, action steps, and yearly goals for leadership, teaching, and curriculum with highlighted connections to social and emotional learning throughout. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
CASEL’s Wheel of SEL Competencies (English) CASEL's handout showing the 5 core SEL competencies and definitions and examples of each. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s Wheel of SEL Competencies (Spanish) CASEL's handout in Spanish showing the 5 core SEL competencies and definitions and examples of each. SOURCE: CASEL |