Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
SEL Tiered Professional Development Programs A multi-tiered list of SEL professional development offered to Nashville Public Schools including descriptions of each, duration, strengths, and implementation challenges to anticipate. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Three Signature Practices to Integrate SEL in Classroom Instruction Reading describing and providing examples of 3 signature practices that bring SEL experiences into any class period and build a foundation of safety, consistency, and in a classroom. SOURCE: CASEL |
RFP for SEL Curriculum for High School Atlanta's full Request for Proposals for High School SEL programs with sample ad, timeline, and scope of work. SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools |
SEL Dialogue Series for Parents and Caregivers 10 facilitated discussions to engage families in conversations about the social and emotional growth of their families and share perspectives and feedback with school leaders. This updated set of materials includes a participant workbook, surveys, and presenter slides (all in both English and Spanish) and materials to support series coordination -- all are free to access after registration. SOURCE: CASEL |
Serie de Diálogo de SEL para Padres y Cuidadores 10 sesiones de diálogo para involucrar a las familias en conversaciones sobre el crecimiento social y emocional de sus familias y compartir perspectivas y comentarios con los líderes escolares. Este conjunto de materiales incluye un libro de trabajo para los participantes, encuestas y diapositivas del presentador (todo en inglés y español) y materiales para apoyar la coordinación de la serie; todos son de acceso gratuito después del registro. SOURCE: CASEL |
Procedure for SEL Walkthroughs (Nashville) Clear instructions for before, during, and after school site visits using Nashville's walkthrough rubric. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Venn Diagram showing similarities and differences between schoolwide PBIS and schoolwide SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Chicago’s SEL Multi-Tiered Systems of Support A single powerpoint slide describing in general terms the type of SEL-infused work that makes up Tiers 1, 2, and 3. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
SEL and MTSS District Office Organizational Chart Austin's organizational chart -- in this district, SEL and MTSS are housed in one department and includes support for health, counseling, dropout and truancy prevention, and disability. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Completed Sample Template – Multi-year Plan for Districtwide SEL This sample illustrates how a district team might use the CASEL Theory of Action to reflect on current strengths and challenges and set short and long term goals for districtwide SEL implementation. SOURCE: CASEL |