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DRC Resources |
Minneapolis Public Schools SEL Homepage Minneapolis' public-facing SEL homepage shares an overview, resources, videos, local news, and has subpages for different audiences. SOURCE: Minneapolis Public Schools |
Recommended Readings for Staff Recommended Readings for staff development. Topics include Introducing the Importance of SEL, SEL and Equity, SEL and Academic Integration, Restorative Practices, Adult SEL, and Partnering with Families for SEL. |
How to talk about SEL with Community Influencers A report in powerpoint format, provides a summary of the survey findings from NASBE’s SEL Network of five states on effective messaging with community influencers on social, emotional, and academic development. SOURCE: National Association of State Boards of Education |
Leading with SEL Advocacy Tools This site provides resources for SEL advocates, including toolkits for parents and school board members. There is guidance for conversations, communications, engaging media outlets, and reaching out to policymakers. SOURCE: CASEL |
This example comes from a school division in southeastern Virginia. It provides 3 memorable key messages, succinct supporting details, and statistics to use as talking points or in written communication about SEL. |
This messaging tool from Collaborative Communications gives 3 key points, succinct bullet points and statistics for districts or schools to use as talking points or in written communication about SEL. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
CARE for Kids – A Breakthrough in Social and Emotional Learning (video) This video from Edutopia features classroom meetings taking place in Jefferson County schools, and includes short interviews from the Superintendent and school-based staff and students. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Key Insights from the Collaborating Districts Initiative This CASEL report based on 6 years of the CDI initiative includes insights on what makes implementation work, how districtwide SEL has impacted achievement, and how to scale up successful SEL work. SOURCE: CASEL |
Article: Academic Learning + Social-Emotional Learning = National Priority A 5 page article that describes social and emotional learning and its impact to a broad audience and makes the case for SEL as a district level, state, and national priority in education. SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter |
Findings in this summary of 3 large-scale research reviews of K-8 SEL programs show that SEL is among the most impactful youth development support for school-age youth, and it can be incoprorated into routine educational practice. SOURCE: CASEL |