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DRC Resources |
Meta-analysis showing that compared to controls, participants in school-based SEL programs demonstrated improved skills and an 11 percentile point gain in achievement. SOURCE: Research Journal |
How to Integrate Social-Emotional Learning into Common Core Brief article describes how SEL goals are implicitly woven into the Common Core Standards, with several specific examples from math and ELA. Useful for teacher/administrator audiences. SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter |
Use this worksheet to help develop a districtwide vision that helps establish SEL as integral to high-quality education, and will serve as the basis for the district's SEL goals, plans, allocation of resources, and continuous improvement. SOURCE: CASEL |
What is Social and Emotional Learning? (video) From CASEL and school district leadership, this video conceptualizes social and emotional learning and describes what it looks, feels and sounds like in educational spaces. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (video) The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, drop out rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth. SOURCE: CASEL |
Students with Strong Social Skills in Kindergarten More Likely To Thrive As Adults Short article describing a 20 year study connecting students' social skills in kindergarten to their well-being as adults. SOURCE: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
Vision Statement 3 Step Process A 3 step process for developing an SEL vision statement with input from a diverse group of stakeholders. SOURCE: CASEL |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Strategies and Resources to Support Central Office Expertise There are a range of approaches you may choose to take when designing professional learning to meet the needs of the various groups you identified as stakeholders. In this document you'll find a few approaches and resources. SOURCE: CASEL |
Central Office Expertise Development Plan You can use or adapt this template as a starting point for planning how to develop central office expertise by audience. SOURCE: CASEL |