Instructional Practices:
Resources to support teachers and other staff to use instructional strategies that strengthen social and emotional development.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Oakland Mills Scholars SEL Integration (Video) A program collaboration between the district and a college that uses teacher collaborative inquiry to understand the intersection of SEL and academic learning. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
This strengths inventory will help a school-based SEL team determine which strategies are being used at all levels of schoolwide SEL: SEL curriculum & instruction, schoolwide practice & policies, and family & community-level partnerships. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies. SOURCE: AIR |
TransformEd’s SEL Integration Approach for Classroom Educators (infographic) Transforming Education's SEL integration framework infographic offers guidance on how to integrate SEL into everyday classroom culture, curriculum, and activities. By focusing on six key components of this approach, educators can support students in developing stronger social-emotional skills in meaningful, transferable, and equitable ways. SOURCE: Transforming Education |
Guiding Principles – A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline These guiding principles from the U.S. Department of Education are organized around concepts of creating positive school climate, providing evidence-based supports, promoting social and emotional learning, providing training on positive engagement with students and equitable practices, and adopting an instructional approach to school discipline. SOURCE: United States DOE |
Oakland's video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. A teacher describes her class' morning routine, students share, and the teacher models reflection for the class. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Teacher Interview: Why debrief at the end of an SEL lesson? (video) A teacher describes how she sets aside time for students to process and debrief a class activity in order so students recognize that they're developing social and emotional skills. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
The Tennessee DOE's training modules include powerpoint presentations, facilitator guides, and handouts on student-centered discipline, teacher language, cooperative learning, classroom discussions, and balanced instruction. SOURCE: Tennessee DOE |
Washington’s SEL Online Education Modules Washington's 5 online modules for educators (intro, embedding SEL schoolwide, adult professional culture, culturally responsive classroom integration, and selecting evidence-based programs). Free registration required. SOURCE: Washington DOE |
Academic SEL and Mathematics Curriculum Materials From the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center, this brief tool can help determine to what degree your district's math instructional materials and educator practices integrate SEL competencies. While focused on math, much can be applied to other core subjects. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |