Social Awareness:
The ability to understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Developing and Articulating Learning Goals or Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning American Institutes for Research and CASEL teamed up to create this guide for developing SEL standards. Includes a definition of terms and guidance for setting up a writing team and articulating learning goals. SOURCE: AIR |
AIR and CASEL's guide for State Education Agencies to develop, implement, and sustain SEL policies and guidelines. This document provides the "big picture", other related documents provide detail for specific action steps. SOURCE: AIR |
CASEL Program Guide: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs To support educators in selecting a high-quality SEL program, our Program Guide serves as a Consumer report-style product that showcases well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs (pre-kindergarten through high school) and the impact they have on student and/or teacher outcomes. SOURCE: CASEL |
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning With Evidence-Based Programs Annie E. Casey Foundation guide for funding evidence-based SEL programs, for district administrators, funding partners, and providers. Includes real examples/ strategies for funding, implementing, and sustaining. SOURCE: Annie E. Casey Foundation |
This brief answers the question: What do school staff actually do in the classroom and school to help students achieve the goals laid out in SEL standards? Describes 4 approaches that together form a comprehensive plan. SOURCE: CASEL |
RFP for Social and Emotional Learning Programs Nashville's full Request for Proposals for SEL programs, including scope of services and criteria for selection. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Meta-analysis showing that compared to controls, participants in school-based SEL programs demonstrated improved skills and an 11 percentile point gain in achievement. SOURCE: Research Journal |
Social-Emotional Learning in Expanded Learning Programs Sacramento's 2 page flyer summarizing common goals between schools and expanded learning opportunities, and the importance of working together as partners. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
School-Family Partnership Strategies to Enhance Children’s Social, Emotional, and Academic Growth This brief provides educators with strategies and examples to build and nurture successful school-family partnerships and create an engaging and supportive climate for learning in school and at home. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County’s 17 Item Student Social and Emotional Competency Self Report Summary of the process of developing a 17 item student self-assessment of SEL used in Washoe, including the use of student focus groups, with results and connection to achievement and behavior outcomes. Item text is included. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |