Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Fellowship Spotlight – Finding a Focus for Systemic SEL SEL Fellow and district SEL leader in St. Paul Sara Lein describes their process of developing a shared vision and strategic framework for SEL with more than 400 participants, including students, parents, school district staff, and community members. Visit for more briefs from SEL Fellows. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districts in Action – Strengthen Adult SEL Competencies and Capacity This brief spotlights three different approaches to adult SEL from SEL leaders in school districts in Olympia, Buffalo, and Des Moines. Visit for more briefs from SEL Fellows. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Skills for Life and Career: Policy Levers that Focus on the Whole Child This Policy Snapshot identifies 4 main categories of state and district policy considerations for integrating SEL and preparing teachers and administrators to focus on the whole child. SOURCE: AIR |
Edutopia’s How Learning Happens Video Series Videos that combine the science of brain development and real examples of practices explicitly designed to integrate social & emotional skills in classrooms and schoolwide settings, including trauma-informed practices, co-developed class norms, Socratic circles, makerspaces, student-led conferences and more. SOURCE: Edutopia |
The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (video) The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, drop out rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth. SOURCE: CASEL |
Developing and Articulating Learning Goals or Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning American Institutes for Research and CASEL teamed up to create this guide for developing SEL standards. Includes a definition of terms and guidance for setting up a writing team and articulating learning goals. SOURCE: AIR |
This research brief describes 10 teaching practices that promote SEL, and highlights how these practices are promoted in the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks. SOURCE: AIR |
From EdTrust, this guide offers essential questions to consider when considering how a SEAD assessment fits your local context and purpose, and applies these questions to 11 commonly used assessments (most of which are open-access). SOURCE: EdTrust |
Key Stakeholders for an SEL Vision This chart lists participants to involve in the drafting of a district vision for SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Job description for an SEL coach who leads SEL professional development and coaching for a portfolio of schools. |