Instructional Practices:
Resources to support teachers and other staff to use instructional strategies that strengthen social and emotional development.
Title | Document Type | |||||||
DRC Resources |
7th grade SEL/CCSS Integration Activities Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Campus Visits and Learning Walk Protocols (Austin) Guidelines for SEL coaches when they conduct supportive visits and a protocol for Learning Walks, shared with visitors and campuses so they know what to expect and what support is available to them. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
SEL-integrated Lesson Planning Checklist List of strategies to make any academic lesson plan integrate SEL themes and skill-building experiences. SOURCE: CASEL |
Integrating Social and Emotional Learning and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics A brief from the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center outlines how the CCSS for Mathematical Practice and SEL are inextricably linked, and includes an appendix that crosswalks the standards with SEL competencies. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
8th grade SEL/CCSS Integration Activities Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
SPARK Approach to Positive School Climate Guide and toolkit for Sacramento's comprehensive school climate model which intertwines principles of restorative disciplinary practices, social and emotional learning, and PBIS. Includes details on school teaming and training. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct Chicago's Student Code of Conduct was revised to place a greater emphasis on restorative practices, reduce the length of suspensions, eliminate suspension as an option for low-level behaviors and PreK-2nd grade students, and adjust terms to reduce racial bias and subjectivity. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
A Restorative Approach to Discipline (video) From Chicago Public Schools' Office of Social and Emotional Learning, this video illustrates how restorative disciplinary practices have transformed school climate and relationships in 3 schools. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning This case study of a university-school partnership offers information on how preservice and in-service teacher training can support SEL implementation and integration with teaching practices. Includes a helpful infographic on classroom practices that promote SEL, and implications for teacher training, schools, and policymakers. SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute |
Peer Conferencing Class Teaches How to Resolve Conflict This article from the Chicago Public Schools blog describes a high school course where students learn to resolve conflict through restorative practices and provide an additional option for responding to disciplinary incidents. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |