Professional Learning

11-20 of 68 Results
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DRC Documents

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain discussion guide

This discussion facilitator's guide, ideal for use with a small book study group, provides opening activities, discussion questions, and bridge activities for each chapter of Zaretta Hammond's book Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Through reflection, collaboration, and continuous improvement strategies, this guide provides an opportunity for staff to interrogate their own instructional practice to find ways to be responsive to students' culture and identities.

TAGS cultural competence reading lists - staff equity culturally responsive professional learning



Michigan’s Free Online SEL Training

The Michigan Department of Education in partnership with Michigan Virtual offers 5 self-paced courses (available to all but credit awarded only to MDE certificate holders) including an introduction to SEL, culturally responsive classrooms, embedding SEL schoolwide, creating professional culture based on SEL, and trauma-informed support.

SOURCE: Michigan DOE

TAGS Adult SEL trauma culturally responsive professional learning

Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning

This case study of a university-school partnership offers information on how preservice and in-service teacher training can support SEL implementation and integration with teaching practices. Includes a helpful infographic on classroom practices that promote SEL, and implications for teacher training, schools, and policymakers.

SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute

TAGS staff onboarding SEL coaching for staff teacher training model SEL schools professional learning

Personal SEL Reflection

Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.


TAGS Adult SEL paraprofessionals security staff staff onboarding teacher tool SEL competence teacher training professional learning district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership



Strategies and Resources to Support Central Office Expertise

There are a range of approaches you may choose to take when designing professional learning to meet the needs of the various groups you identified as stakeholders. In this document you'll find a few approaches and resources.


TAGS professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL



Teaching Restorative Practices with Classroom Circles

San Francisco's guide focused on the use of Circles as a proactive measure to build trust and community in a classroom. Includes sample activities and lesson plans for introducing students to restorative practices.

SOURCE: San Francisco Unified School District

TAGS teacher tool toolkit reading lists - staff culturally responsive teacher training restorative practices advisory/homeroom instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community professional learning youth voice

Planning Engaging, SEL-Infused Professional Learning

CASEL has shared this planning template with breakout session presenters at CASEL-coordinated events to ensure that presentations are objective driven, evidence-based, action-oriented, and use techniques that activate social and emotional skills.


TAGS teacher training professional learning



SELWell Menu of Supports

Boston's Office of Social Emotional Learning & Wellness (SELWell) is made up of a range of departments that work together to improve the social, emotional, and physical health and wellness of all students. This menu includes a snapshot of each contributing team and their services organized by tier.

SOURCE: Boston Public Schools

TAGS trauma SEL partnerships MTSS professional learning

Central Office Expertise Development Plan

You can use or adapt this template as a starting point for planning how to develop central office expertise by audience.


TAGS professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL



3 Signature Practices for Adults

One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices and examples of each, adapted to turn the focus to the way adults interact with one another in the workplace, how they learn, and how to set up the learning environment to maximize engagement and growth.


TAGS three signature practices teacher tool SEL coaching for staff building community professional learning SEL leadership

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