Professional Learning

41-50 of 68 Results
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DRC Documents

SEL and CCSS: Core Tasks Lesson Development Training Part III

Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 3).

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts PLC videos SEL competence CCSS teacher training instructional practices professional learning integrate with district priorities

Schoolwide Observation Tool for Climate, Classroom Management, and Instruction

Washoe County's 1 page tool for recording observations about how SEL is present in the school and classroom environment, instruction, and interactions, and a sample activity for debriefing observations in a circle setting.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration classroom management model SEL schools school visit/observation tool classroom level culture and climate professional learning



SEL Learning Walk Protocol – Anchorage

Anchorage's protocol for preparing and facilitating learning walks, well suited for districts that are organizing cross-campus visits to exemplary classrooms.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS model SEL schools school visit/observation tool conducting local SEL research classroom level building buy-in for SEL

Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning into Classroom Instruction and Educator Effectiveness: A Toolkit for Tennessee Teachers and Administrators

Tennessee guide showing how SEL is intertwined with existing initiatives and their teacher evaluation and development system. Reviews 10 teaching practices that promote SEL skills with videos, look-fors, and discussion prompts.

SOURCE: Tennessee DOE

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration teacher evaluation PLC videos teacher tool toolkit reading lists - staff SEL competence teacher training instructional practices student discipline professional learning integrate with district priorities

Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff

Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning.


TAGS SEL partnerships reading lists - staff SEL competence implementation plan conducting local SEL research continuous improvement out of school professional learning

Planning Professional Learning for Evidence-Based Programs

This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL helps a team answer important questions, assign tasks, and set a timeline to provide initial training and ongoing support for any evidence-based SEL program.


TAGS paraprofessionals security staff budgeting implementation support toolkit counselors teacher training implementation plan evidence-based programs out of school professional learning



Oakland School Board Policy on SEL

Policy stating that SEL underlies all district priorities in Oakland, and intent to implement SEL standards, change the mission statement, provide PD, adopt curricula, and measure SEL growth.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS school board SEL standards board policies assessment college and career readiness culture and climate professional learning integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

Key Features of High-Quality Standards for SEL

American Institutes for Research and CASEL's guidance for State Education Agencies on developing SEL policies and guidelines, with examples from other states.


TAGS SEL standards board policies implementation support culturally responsive professional learning planning

Case Study: Washoe County School District Process for Developing SEL Standards

Washoe's process for developing SEL standards, including useful artifacts from the 2 day retreat where they were written by a team of educators.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL standards SEL competence professional learning planning



SPARK Retreat Agenda

Agenda for team retreat focused on implicit bias, stereotype threat, and building more equitable learning environments.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias equity teacher training professional learning


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