Professional Learning

31-40 of 68 Results
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DRC Documents

Overview of CASEL’s Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning

This presentation can be used to introduce schools to the logic model, key activities, and resources available at


TAGS implementation support PLC toolkit implementation plan culture and climate professional learning SEL leadership

Social and Emotional Learning in Practice: Toolkit of Practical Strategies and Resources

Ideal for OST programs, includes tools for equipping staff to teach SEL, creating the learning environment, designing impactful learning experiences, and using data for improvement. Special attention is paid to culturally responsive design.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS paraprofessionals security staff staff onboarding teacher tool toolkit reading lists - staff culturally responsive teacher training advisory/homeroom middle school grades PK-12 instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community out of school professional learning

Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms

Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies.


TAGS Adult SEL CCSS professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise

Retreat to Improve District Support of SEL Practice – Agenda and Challenge Areas

Cleveland hosted a retreat with support from AIR, CASEL, PATHS, and their teachers' union to address challenge areas and improve how SEL is integrated into district priorities.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS implementation support SEL partnerships professional learning integrate with district priorities SEL leadership



SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Adult SEL

Video describing the SEL 3 signature practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in settings with adults, such as a meeting or professional learning.


TAGS PLC mindfulness three signature practices videos self awareness SEL coaching for staff building community professional learning district SEL expertise

Webinar: Looking at the Intersection of Student Agency and School Discipline Practices

An in-depth discussion of the connections between student agency and school discipline from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom and Transforming Education. Presenters share ways schools can use student-centered disciplinary practices to cultivate social and emotional skills and empower student voice.

SOURCE: Transforming Education

TAGS social awareness self awareness responsible decision making SEL competence student leadership restorative practices student discipline professional learning youth voice

Restorative Practices: Day-Long Training to Deepen School Practice

Sacramento City's interactive introduction to classroom-based restorative practices for a teacher audience, covering concepts of the social discipline window, fair process, affective language, restorative questions, and circles.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension social awareness relationship skills responsible decision making equity teacher training restorative practices advisory/homeroom classroom level building community student discipline professional learning

Edutopia’s How Learning Happens Video Series

Videos that combine the science of brain development and real examples of practices explicitly designed to integrate social & emotional skills in classrooms and schoolwide settings, including trauma-informed practices, co-developed class norms, Socratic circles, makerspaces, student-led conferences and more.

SOURCE: Edutopia

TAGS PLC videos SEL competence student leadership research brief culturally responsive teacher training model SEL schools PK-12 instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community professional learning building buy-in for SEL youth voice

SEL and CCSS: Core Tasks Lesson Development Training Part I

Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 1).

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts PLC videos SEL competence CCSS teacher training instructional practices professional learning integrate with district priorities

SEL and CCSS: Core Tasks Lesson Development Training Part II

Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 2).

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts PLC videos SEL competence CCSS teacher training instructional practices professional learning integrate with district priorities

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