
11-20 of 34 Results
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DRC Documents

Restorative Practices: Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting Positive Discipline in Schools

Definitions and demonstrations of the impact of restorative practices with guidance for implementing at the classroom and school level, sponsored by the NEA and AFT.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension security staff toolkit social awareness relationship skills responsible decision making reading lists - staff equity restorative practices classroom level culture and climate building community student discipline

Washoe County’s Student Voice Homepage and Student Voice Toolkit

Students practice and strengthen social and emotional skills through leadership opportunities. By elevating students as leaders, districts both benefit from student perspective and ingenuity and support their skill development. This website provides a great example of a district-level approach.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS toolkit student leadership youth voice

Cleveland Classroom Meetings resource page

Classroom Meetings in Cleveland are used daily for community building and classroom level problem-solving and decision-making. This resource page has activities, best practices, handouts, samples that show integration with academic content, and other tools to help plan a larger scale rollout of class meetings.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS teacher tool toolkit advisory/homeroom middle school grades high school grades instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community youth voice

Teacher Self-Assessment: SEL in the Classroom

Tool to reflect and set goals for bringing SEL into classroom practices and interactions. Focuses on the areas of explicit SEL instruction, SEL integration with academic instruction, and supportive classroom climate.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies arts lesson planning teacher tool toolkit culturally responsive teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



SEL-integrated Lesson Planning Checklist

List of strategies to make any academic lesson plan integrate SEL themes and skill-building experiences.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies arts lesson planning teacher tool toolkit culturally responsive teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



Sample SEL Integrated Lesson Plans for each Grade Band

Sample lesson plans from a variety of grade levels and subject areas that integrate SEL through instructional practices, discussion prompts, student reflection, and routines for interaction.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies lesson planning teacher tool toolkit CCSS teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



Youth Participatory Action Research Hub

Youth Participatory Action Research is an approach that trains young people to conduct research to improve their community and the institutions designed to serve them. This hub, hosted by UC Berkeley, shares curriculum and resources to support YPAR projects.

SOURCE: External website

TAGS toolkit student leadership assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement youth voice

U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform

This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost.

SOURCE: United States DOE

TAGS toolkit define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation culture and climate

Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning into Classroom Instruction and Educator Effectiveness: A Toolkit for Tennessee Teachers and Administrators

Tennessee guide showing how SEL is intertwined with existing initiatives and their teacher evaluation and development system. Reviews 10 teaching practices that promote SEL skills with videos, look-fors, and discussion prompts.

SOURCE: Tennessee DOE

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration teacher evaluation PLC videos teacher tool toolkit reading lists - staff SEL competence teacher training instructional practices student discipline professional learning integrate with district priorities

Partnerships by Design: Cultivating Effective and Meaningful School-Family-Community Partnerships

This tool from Northwest REL includes forms, worksheets, and activities to assess the current state of family and community collaboration, create a vision for partnership, and set up an action plan.

SOURCE: Northwest REL

TAGS family partnerships community partnerships anti-bias toolkit parent leadership culturally responsive family and community engagement

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