Youth Voice

Honoring and elevating a broad range of student perspectives and experiences through meaningful engagement.

See also: student leadership

21-30 of 43 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Webinar: Looking at the Intersection of Student Agency and School Discipline Practices

An in-depth discussion of the connections between student agency and school discipline from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom and Transforming Education. Presenters share ways schools can use student-centered disciplinary practices to cultivate social and emotional skills and empower student voice.

SOURCE: Transforming Education

TAGS social awareness self awareness responsible decision making SEL competence student leadership restorative practices student discipline professional learning youth voice

SPARK Approach to Positive School Climate

Guide and toolkit for Sacramento's comprehensive school climate model which intertwines principles of restorative disciplinary practices, social and emotional learning, and PBIS. Includes details on school teaming and training.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS PBIS alternatives to suspension anti-bias board policies toolkit relationship skills SEL coaching for staff equity implementation plan restorative practices culture and climate building community student discipline youth voice

Washoe County’s Student Voice Homepage and Student Voice Toolkit

Students practice and strengthen social and emotional skills through leadership opportunities. By elevating students as leaders, districts both benefit from student perspective and ingenuity and support their skill development. This website provides a great example of a district-level approach.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS toolkit student leadership youth voice

Edutopia’s How Learning Happens Video Series

Videos that combine the science of brain development and real examples of practices explicitly designed to integrate social & emotional skills in classrooms and schoolwide settings, including trauma-informed practices, co-developed class norms, Socratic circles, makerspaces, student-led conferences and more.

SOURCE: Edutopia

TAGS PLC videos SEL competence student leadership research brief culturally responsive teacher training model SEL schools PK-12 instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community professional learning building buy-in for SEL youth voice

Affective Classroom Openings and Engagement Techniques

Brief but powerful advice for facilitators of adult learning on leading engaging opening activities. Could easily be adapted for training for teachers who are learning to incorporate SEL structures into their lessons.


TAGS PLC teacher training instructional practices youth voice



Annual Report on Student, Parent and Teacher Climate Surveys

High level report on parent, student, and staff climate surveys with highlighted focus areas, followed by district-level report for each item category, followed by campus level results from Washoe County.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement culture and climate family and community engagement youth voice

Teacher Self-Assessment: SEL in the Classroom

Tool to reflect and set goals for bringing SEL into classroom practices and interactions. Focuses on the areas of explicit SEL instruction, SEL integration with academic instruction, and supportive classroom climate.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies arts lesson planning teacher tool toolkit culturally responsive teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



Cleveland’s Conditions for Districtwide Learning Summary Report

Cleveland's district-level report on the Conditions for Learning Survey, broken down by grade level, race, language, disability, and sex.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics equity assessment data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement PK-12 culture and climate planning youth voice

SEL-integrated Lesson Planning Checklist

List of strategies to make any academic lesson plan integrate SEL themes and skill-building experiences.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies arts lesson planning teacher tool toolkit culturally responsive teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



Sample SEL Integrated Lesson Plans for each Grade Band

Sample lesson plans from a variety of grade levels and subject areas that integrate SEL through instructional practices, discussion prompts, student reflection, and routines for interaction.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies lesson planning teacher tool toolkit CCSS teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice


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