Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Establish Norms for Data-Informed Conversations This tool includes ways for facilitators to establish a space for safe and productive collaboration and recommended norms to ensure that the conversation is inclusive of all voices and results in concrete next steps. SOURCE: CASEL |
Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline: An educator’s action planning guide A guide for digging into discipline data, analyzing root causes, and action planning, with checklists, decision trees, Excel worksheets, and planning templates. SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments |
SEL Inventory – Secondary Interview This interview protocol was used by evaluators at secondary school sites in Sacramento City to gather baseline data on the implementation of SEL programs and practices. Includes handouts that were provided to interviewees. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
SEL Inventory – Elementary Interview This interview protocol was used by evaluators at elementary school sites in Sacramento City to gather baseline data on the implementation of SEL programs and practices. Includes handouts that were provided to interviewees. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
School and Classroom Walkthrough Rubric (Nashville) Nashville's clear, succinct yet detailed rubric collects data on schoolwide environment, community gatherings, classroom instruction, classroom environment & discipline in order to provide rich, actionable feedback to schools. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Washoe County SEL Needs Assessment Report This baseline report shared by Washoe County includes findings and recommendations from a districtwide program inventory, counselor focus groups, student SEL skills assessments, school climate surveys, and behavior-related data. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Annual Report on Student, Parent and Teacher Climate Surveys High level report on parent, student, and staff climate surveys with highlighted focus areas, followed by district-level report for each item category, followed by campus level results from Washoe County. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Technology and Districtwide SEL: Making SEL a Priority CASEL collaborated with CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) to describe ways school districts can leverage technology resources to implement districtwide SEL. Find more about how technology can support learning and district decision making at https://www.cosn.org/focus-areas/understanding-educational-environment SOURCE: CoSN |
El Paso SEL Implementation Report This report on El Paso's first year of SEL implementation answers the questions: How was SEL capacity built? How has SEL impacted climate and perception? How has SEL impacted discipline and attendance? and How do school stakeholders view their implementation success? SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
The Effects of Program Implementation and Longevity This research brief from the Austin ISD Department of Research and Evaluation examines the question -- Do outcomes associated with SEL programming improve with time? Is there a difference in outcomes between schools that have been implementing for 4+ years compared with schools that are newer to SEL? SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |