Implementation Evaluation:
Measurement and interpretation of the quality and effectiveness of implementation of an SEL program or approach. May include an assessment of implementation fidelity and/or an assessment of whether progress is being made toward goals, with the aim of improving implementation support or making other course corrections to meet goals.
See also: implementation monitoring
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
SEL Trends: Using Data for Improvement CASEL profiles Austin ISD, El Paso ISD, Nashville Metropolitan School District, and Washoe County School District, about how district leaders in SEL and research have worked together to use data to improve implementation of their SEL strategies. Includes links to artifacts and research reports from the districts. SOURCE: CASEL |
This strengths inventory will help a school-based SEL team determine which strategies are being used at all levels of schoolwide SEL: SEL curriculum & instruction, schoolwide practice & policies, and family & community-level partnerships. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County SEL Needs Assessment Report This baseline report shared by Washoe County includes findings and recommendations from a districtwide program inventory, counselor focus groups, student SEL skills assessments, school climate surveys, and behavior-related data. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
On the Road to Collecting SEL Data This presentation from Keeneyville School District describes their timeline of districtwide SEL implementation, the development of their walk-through protocol, and the way observaton data has been shared and used to drive improvement. SOURCE: Keeneyville School District 20 |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
A Primer for Continuous Improvement in Schools and Districts This white paper lays out a model and principles for improvement, describes the Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle, and includes examples for using a Fishbone Diagram and a Driver Diagram to define a problem and establish an aim. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
This report details the study of partnerships between schools and out of school time partners working together to implement SEL in a coordinated way, organizing lessons learned into 4 main categories: system-level launch activities, developing partnerships, developing adults' capacity to promote SEL, and improving climate and delivering SEL instruction. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development? Toolkit from AIR providing key background information about SEL assessment to weigh risks and benefits, a decision tree, and a comprehensive index of validated tools for measuring SEL outcomes. SOURCE: AIR |
American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey Contact information to use this no-cost survey, appropriate for grades 2-12. It gathers students' views on climate, support, challenge and expectations, and social and emotional skills. SOURCE: AIR |
Washoe County’s 17 Item Student Social and Emotional Competency Self Report Summary of the process of developing a 17 item student self-assessment of SEL used in Washoe, including the use of student focus groups, with results and connection to achievement and behavior outcomes. Item text is included. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |