Culture and Climate:
School climate is the “quality and character of school life” based on how members of the school community experience school and the school’s “norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching, learning and leadership practices, and organizational structures” (Reference: National School Climate Council).
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DRC Resources |
El Paso SEL Implementation Report This report on El Paso's first year of SEL implementation answers the questions: How was SEL capacity built? How has SEL impacted climate and perception? How has SEL impacted discipline and attendance? and How do school stakeholders view their implementation success? SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Cross-District Visit Observation Tool (Chicago) This observation tool was used at CASEL's 2018 Cross District Learning Event in Chicago. It highlights the 4 domains of Chicago's School Climate Standards. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
This report details the study of partnerships between schools and out of school time partners working together to implement SEL in a coordinated way, organizing lessons learned into 4 main categories: system-level launch activities, developing partnerships, developing adults' capacity to promote SEL, and improving climate and delivering SEL instruction. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
Teacher Self-Assessment: SEL in the Classroom Tool to reflect and set goals for bringing SEL into classroom practices and interactions. Focuses on the areas of explicit SEL instruction, SEL integration with academic instruction, and supportive classroom climate. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County SEL Needs Assessment Report This baseline report shared by Washoe County includes findings and recommendations from a districtwide program inventory, counselor focus groups, student SEL skills assessments, school climate surveys, and behavior-related data. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
School-Family Partnership Strategies to Enhance Children’s Social, Emotional, and Academic Growth This brief provides educators with strategies and examples to build and nurture successful school-family partnerships and create an engaging and supportive climate for learning in school and at home. SOURCE: CASEL |
Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning in the Context of New Accountability A paper from the Learning Policy Institute on how SEL and school climate indicators can be included in accountability and improvement systems under ESSA. Appendix includes survey tools from districts and states. SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute |
Washoe’s Four Fundamentals: Beginning of the Year Shared Visioning for Staff Washoe County used this presentation to summarize the district vision (curriculum & instruction, inclusive practice, climate & engagement, and multi-tiered systems of support) and engage in a process of reflection and planning. Presenter notes included. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |