Model SEL Schools:
Schools in which SEL is clearly a priority for all staff and students, where data backs up anecdotal evidence that SEL has impacted the school, and where SEL is well integrated into all facets of the school day. This includes academic instruction, disciplinary approaches, a continuum of supports for students with all levels of need, out-of-school time programming, and exemplary implementation of evidence-based SEL practices. Model SEL schools should be recognized by the district and highlighted in ways that will influence other schools such as site visits, professional learning communities, etc.
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
SEL Trends: Reorganizing District Central Offices From CASEL's SEL Trends series, this issue highlights ways districts' organizational structure has shifted to house SEL staff within departments dedicated to teaching and learning, as a reflection of the priority to integrate SEL with academics and yield benefits for all schools and students. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Effects of Program Implementation and Longevity This research brief from the Austin ISD Department of Research and Evaluation examines the question -- Do outcomes associated with SEL programming improve with time? Is there a difference in outcomes between schools that have been implementing for 4+ years compared with schools that are newer to SEL? SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Austin's sample process for growing a cohort of SEL leadership schools and expanding the scope of SEL work at each over time. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL describes 3 main ways schools can partner with community organizations: by bringing partners into the school, linking families with their resources, and organizing community-based experiences for students. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Coaching Coordinator Support Roles T chart describing what El Paso's SEL coaches do and don't do as they support schools with SEL implementation. SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
El Paso SEL Implementation Plan El Paso's plan lays out a map for rolling out SEL to Central Office and in all schools over a 6 year period, with differentiated goals and support planned for each of 5 school cohorts. SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Oakland SEL Competencies Posters for Classrooms (Spanish) This poster set illustrating the 5 SEL competencies were distributed by Oakland's team to all schools, along with suggested activities for introducing each poster/concept to a classroom community. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Districtwide Indicators of SEL Implementation CASEL’s District Framework identifies key activities for districtwide SEL implementation. When these activities are fully implemented, districts infuse SEL into every aspect of students’ educational experience -- across their classrooms, schools, homes and communities. The indicators below provide evidence of high-quality implementation throughout the district. SOURCE: CASEL |
Sample School Report – Staff Survey on SEL Implementation To support schools in their process of SEL continuous improvement, provide school leaders with data that gives insight relevant to their SEL goals and action plans. This report is an example of what a district might provide to a school, summarizing staff responses to CASEL's survey on SEL implementation. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County School District SEL Data Information Site Washoe's data webpage shares their SEL standards, their formal and informal approaches to measuring SEL growth, and rich, easy to read displays of data. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |