Can refer to district level staff whose position is entirely or in part focused on SEL, school-level SEL teams or individuals, or committees of stakeholders who have power to make decisions and direct SEL work.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Documents |
Team Retreats: Centering SEL as You Plan, Facilitate, and Debrief Use this tool as you plan a half-day to multi-day retreat for your team, to integrate SEL into the way you design the agenda, share opportunities for leadership among team members, facilitate activities, and set up discussions for the team to make meaning of what they have learned and accomplished. SOURCE: CASEL |
Reflecting on Equity-Centered SEL Leadership Practices Use this tool as a personal reflection on your leadership habits. These prompts are intended to spark your curiosity about your current practices and how you can be intentional about developing equity-centered leadership skills. SOURCE: CASEL |
Playbook to Leverage the Power of Communities of Practice Developed with state policy teams, this resource is designed to support anyone who is working to build a community of practice across multiple schools or districts. Describes 6 steps for building a high quality CoP with tools and examples for each step. SOURCE: CASEL |
Structural Supports to Promote Teacher Well-Being This brief summarizes what research says about supporting teacher well-being, and includes strategies to consider and strategies to avoid. SOURCE: EdResearch for Recovery |
Thompson School District Strategic Plan Thompson School District in Loveland, Colorado, deeply imbeds SEL throughout their strategic plan, Strive 2025. The plan includes a Portrait of a Graduate, which guides their SEL vision and the development of SEL standards describing what a student should know and be able to do. SOURCE: Thompson School District |
SEL Talking Points for Superintendents This set of key messages is intended to support the superintendent and other district leaders in regularly communicating about the importance of SEL both formally and informally. SOURCE: CASEL |
What is Social and Emotional Learning? (video) From CASEL and school district leadership, this video conceptualizes social and emotional learning and describes what it looks, feels and sounds like in educational spaces. SOURCE: CASEL |
This report shows widespread support for SEL among K-12 principals, highlights needs for greater state and district support, and provides policy recommendations. It makes a strong case for investing in SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL: Creating Safe & Supportive Learning Environments (video) Creating a safe, supportive environment for social and emotional learning (SEL) has been, and remains, a high priority for CASEL. It is inherent in our focus on integrating SEL into all aspects of school and district practice through a systemic approach. SOURCE: CASEL |
It’s Time to Go All-In on Social and Emotional Learning Dr. Meria Carstarphen, superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, writes this opinion piece on the importance of prioritizing SEL districtwide and its impact on key metrics. SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools |