SEL Leadership

Can refer to district level staff whose position is entirely or in part focused on SEL, school-level SEL teams or individuals, or committees of stakeholders who have power to make decisions and direct SEL work.

31-40 of 61 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Retreat to Improve District Support of SEL Practice – Agenda and Challenge Areas

Cleveland hosted a retreat with support from AIR, CASEL, PATHS, and their teachers' union to address challenge areas and improve how SEL is integrated into district priorities.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS implementation support SEL partnerships professional learning integrate with district priorities SEL leadership



Oakland’s Leadership Growth and Development System Principal Handbook

Handbook detailing each dimension of the principal evaluation framework, with categories including "Leadership for Healthy Relationships and Culture" and "Leadership for Equity".

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS board policies human and financial resource alignment equity culture and climate integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

Addendum to the Student Code of Conduct: Guidelines for Effective Discipline

Chicago's resource to support schools in implementing the Student Code of Conduct, complete with flow charts, scenarios, and recommended interventions founded on SEL and restorative approaches.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension implementation support toolkit equity restorative practices PK-12 student discipline district SEL expertise SEL leadership

Social and Emotional Skills for Life and Career: Policy Levers that Focus on the Whole Child

This Policy Snapshot identifies 4 main categories of state and district policy considerations for integrating SEL and preparing teachers and administrators to focus on the whole child.


TAGS school board SEL standards board policies research brief integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline: An educator’s action planning guide

A guide for digging into discipline data, analyzing root causes, and action planning, with checklists, decision trees, Excel worksheets, and planning templates.

SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension anti-bias toolkit equity restorative practices data dashboards student discipline planning SEL leadership

Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL

This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL describes 3 main ways schools can partner with community organizations: by bringing partners into the school, linking families with their resources, and organizing community-based experiences for students.


TAGS community partnerships SEL partnerships toolkit MTSS SEL leadership



Guiding Questions for Building Strong Partnerships between School Day and Out-of-School Time Educators

This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL provides questions to help the SEL team think intentionally about how to fully partner with OST providers to promote SEL.


TAGS community partnerships SEL partnerships community relations out of school SEL leadership family and community engagement



The In-School and Afterschool Social Emotional Learning Connection: A Planning Tool

Tool for afterschool and in-school staff first to reflect independently on their goals for SEL and think about what is being done in each setting to support SEL, then to discuss how to work collaboratively toward a common goal.


TAGS community partnerships SEL partnerships building community MTSS out of school planning building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

The Hexagon Tool: Exploring Context

Tool for evaluating evidence-based programs on the basis of need, fit, resource availability, evidence, readiness for replication, and capacity to implement.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS implementation support toolkit culturally responsive evidence-based programs SEL leadership

Supporting Social-Emotional Learning With Evidence-Based Programs

Annie E. Casey Foundation guide for funding evidence-based SEL programs, for district administrators, funding partners, and providers. Includes real examples/ strategies for funding, implementing, and sustaining.

SOURCE: Annie E. Casey Foundation

TAGS budgeting implementation support SEL partnerships fundraising implementation plan evidence-based programs SEL leadership

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