SEL Leadership

Can refer to district level staff whose position is entirely or in part focused on SEL, school-level SEL teams or individuals, or committees of stakeholders who have power to make decisions and direct SEL work.

21-30 of 61 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Creating Shared Agreements

This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL outlines a 6 step process for a school or district team to develop shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision and nurture adult SEL.


TAGS Adult SEL mindfulness teacher tool teacher training advisory/homeroom building community professional learning SEL leadership



Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into State and District Policies

Powerpoint and webinar covering how districts have incorporated SEL through curriculum and standards.


TAGS school board SEL standards board policies integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

SEL Central Office Professional Learning Community Description

Sacramento's overview and invitation to other central office departments to participate in a district-level SEL professional learning community.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS Adult SEL implementation support PLC SEL partnerships professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

SEL Administrator Academy: Implementing Social and Emotional Learning Systemwide to Improve Student Achievement

Presentation for district and school administrators to connect SEL standards with Common Core and workforce skills and how to implement/monitor district-wide SEL. Includes activities that model SEL and a full presenter script.


TAGS board policies SEL overview implementation plan college and career readiness professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

Austin Superintendent discusses achievement gaps, social-emotional learning

This short article shows how Austin's Superintendent focused on SEL in his State of the District address.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS communications SEL leadership

El Paso SEL Implementation Plan

El Paso's plan lays out a map for rolling out SEL to Central Office and in all schools over a 6 year period, with differentiated goals and support planned for each of 5 school cohorts.

SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District

TAGS PBIS implementation plan integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise SEL leadership

Sacramento City Strategic Plan and Core Values

Sacramento's strategic plan prominently features and integrates equity and social emotional health throughout and states clear actions and proposed services.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS parent leadership equity implementation plan college and career readiness planning integrate with district priorities SEL leadership family and community engagement

Overview of CASEL’s Guide to Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning

This presentation can be used to introduce schools to the logic model, key activities, and resources available at


TAGS implementation support PLC toolkit implementation plan culture and climate professional learning SEL leadership

Oakland Academic Social Emotional Learning Guidance Document

Oakland's guidance document for school leaders describes the district's mission, vision, and tools for measuring success and describes how SEL is part of instructional priorities and multi-tiered systems of support.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english language learners define SEL metrics CCSS equity culturally responsive continuous improvement instructional practices culture and climate MTSS integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise SEL leadership

Washoe’s Four Fundamentals: Beginning of the Year Shared Visioning for Staff

Washoe County used this presentation to summarize the district vision (curriculum & instruction, inclusive practice, climate & engagement, and multi-tiered systems of support) and engage in a process of reflection and planning. Presenter notes included.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS implementation plan MTSS planning integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

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