Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Enacting Social-Emotional Learning: Lessons from “Outlier Schools” in California’s CORE Districts This research brief looks at the commonalities among California middle schools that reported stronger-than-typical social emotional learning outcomes. These 6 characteristics are elaborated into recommendations for school districts supporting SEL at scale. SOURCE: California CORE Districts |
The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
AIR’s Social and Emotional Learning Coaching Toolkit A toolkit for instructional coaches, administrators, and district leaders to support teachers in integrating SEL into daily practices, through planning, observation and feedback. SOURCE: AIR |
SEL Professional Learning Conference – Nashville Program packet from Nashville's annual SEL conference, including conference agenda, workshop descriptions, presenter bios, and sponsor information. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Planning Professional Learning for Evidence-Based Programs This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL helps a team answer important questions, assign tasks, and set a timeline to provide initial training and ongoing support for any evidence-based SEL program. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
The In-School and Afterschool Social Emotional Learning Connection: A Planning Tool Tool for afterschool and in-school staff first to reflect independently on their goals for SEL and think about what is being done in each setting to support SEL, then to discuss how to work collaboratively toward a common goal. SOURCE: AIR |
Includes findings from the Social and Emotional Learning Interventions Under the ESSA: Evidence Review, focusing specifically on what the review found related to family and community engagement, and a presentation from a district administrator. Hosted by REL Northeast & Islands SOURCE: REL Northeast & Islands |
American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey Contact information to use this no-cost survey, appropriate for grades 2-12. It gathers students' views on climate, support, challenge and expectations, and social and emotional skills. SOURCE: AIR |
Finding Common Ground: Connecting Social-Emotional Learning During and Beyond the School Day Brief from the Partnership for Children and Youth providing language and strategies to support alignment between schools and expanded learning programs to impact SEL, featuring examples from San Francisco Unified School District. |